Nielit o level January 2017 solution, it tools





NIELIT O level Question Paper January 2017 with Answers, NIELIT O Level Previous year Question papers with Answers, NIELIT Previous Year Question Papers O Level, O Level Question Paper with answer in Hindi PDF, NIELIT O Level Question Paper January 2021, O Level Question Paper with answer in English PDF

Each question below gives a multiple 

choice of answers. Choose the most 

answer sheet supplied with the question 

paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

1 The three main components of a digital 

computer system are:

A) Memory, Input/Output, DMA

B) ALU, CPU, Memory

C) Memory, Input/Output, CPU

D) Control Circuits, ALU, Registers

The main memory, control unit, and ALU together make up the central processing unit (CPU) of most digital computer systems, while the input-output devices and auxiliary storage units constitute peripheral equipment.

1.2 Which one of the following is volatile?

A) Bubble Memory



D) Magnetic Disc

The correct answer is RAM. Volatile memory is a computer memory that loses its data when the computer is turned off. RAM is a volatile memory.

1.3 Which one of the following binary number

s is divisible by 4?

A) 101010

B) 100101100

C) 1110001

D) 100011

For this, we divide each of the given numbers by 4 and the number whose remainder is zero will be the one which is divisible by 4.

(a) . 101010

Dividing by 4, we get:

101010 / 4 = 25252.5

(b) . 100101100

Dividing by 4, we get:

100101100 / 4 = 25025275

(c) . 1110001

Dividing by 4, we get:

1110001 / 4 = 277500.25

(d) . 100011

Dividing by 4, we get:

100011 / 4 = 25002.75

From the above calculations, it is clear that '100101100' is the only binary number which is divisible by 4.

 Hence, option (b) is correct.

1.4 The cost of storing a bit is minimum in:

A) Cache

B) Register


D) Magnetic Disc

The cost of storing a bit is minimum in Magnetic Tape. Magnetic tape used for recording sound and you can also use such tape for storing picture and recording data. this is called magnetic recording and this is made with plastic strip and coated with magnetizable materials.

1.5 The resolution of a dot matrix printer is 

measured in:

A) Megabits

B) Dots per inch

C) Hertz

D) Inches

The output quality of a printer is measured by Dots per inch . DPI [ Dots Per Inch ] is a measurement of output quality of printer resolution. It represents number of ink dots the printer can place in an area of one square inch. The lesser the DPI the less sharper the image and vice versa.

1.6 Linux open source is an

A) Operating System

B) Office Tool

C) Programming Standard

D) Proprietary Operating System

Linux is a free, open source operating system, released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Anyone can run, study, modify, and redistribute the source code, or even sell copies of their modified code, as long as they do so under the same license.

1.7  ________ maps IP address with domain name of sites.





The Domain Name System (DNS) maps human-readable domain names (in URLs or in email address) to IP addresses.

1.8 The term DBMS stands for-

A) Digital Bar Management Software

B) Data Base Management System 

C) Domain Based Management Software

D) Data Base Management Software

A database management system (DBMS) that incorporates the relational-data model, normally including a Structured Query Language (SQL) application programming interface.

1.9 The most commonly used web browser is:

A) Internet Explorer

B) Netscape

C) Both A) and B)

D) None of the above

1.10 A Nibble consists of ________ Bits.

A) 2

B) 4

C) 8

D) 16

In computing, a nibble (occasionally nybble or nyble to match the spelling of byte) is a four-bit aggregation, or half an octet. It is also known as half-byte or tetrade.


Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and enter your choice sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

2.1 A byte is bigger than nibble.


Yes because 1 nibble is equal to 4 bits in other hand 1 byte is equal to 8 bits

2.2 The row of relational database is tuple.


In the context of a relational database, a row—also called a tuple—represents a single, implicitly structured data item in a table. In simple terms, a database table can be thought of as consisting of rows and columns.

2.3 OCR stands for Optical Care Reader.


OCR stands for "Optical Character Recognition." It is a technology that recognizes text within a digital image. It is commonly used to recognize text in scanned documents and images.

2.4 The higher the resolution of screen, better is picture quality.


Higher resolutions mean that there more pixels per inch (PPI), resulting in more pixel information and creating a high-quality, crisp image. 

2.5 A Linux is a command line user interface 

operating system.


The following statement is True. It is command line interface

2.6 A byte is smallest unit of storage.


A byte is the smallest unit of memory used in today's computing. Bytes consist of eight bits, and a byte is used to encode a single number, letter, or symbol. 

2.7 The binary equivalent of octal no. 473 is 



First, convert 4738 into decimal, by using above steps:

= 4738
4 × 82   +7× 81+3 × 80
= 31510

Now, we have to convert 31510 to binary

315 / 2 = 157 with remainder 1
157 / 2 = 78 with remainder 1
78 / 2 = 39 with remainder 0
39 / 2 = 19 with remainder 1
19 / 2 = 9 with remainder 1
9 / 2 = 4 with remainder 1
4 / 2 = 2 with remainder 0
2 / 2 = 1 with remainder 0
1 / 2 = 0 with remainder 1

Then just write down the remainders in the reverse order to get the answer, The octal number 473 converted to binary is therefore equal to :


2.8 Cache memory is faster than main memory.


Cache memory allows for faster access to data for two reasons: cache uses Static RAM whereas Main Memory (RAM) uses dynamic RAM. cache memory stores instructions the processor may require next, which can then be retrieved faster than if they were held in RAM.

2.9 ALU is part of CPU.


Yes,ALU is the subsystem of CPU.

2.10 MS Word is a system software.


The correct answer is Application Software. MS Word is an example of application software developed by the company Microsoft. It allows users to type and save documents.

 3. Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/ word(s)/phrase(s) in following instructions therein. (1x10)

3.1 A number system with base 8. 

A. Downloading

3.2 Layer of software embedded on bare hardware to enhance the computing capability of bare machine.

B. Domain Name

3.3 Text based strings corresponding to numeric IP address. 

C. Compiler

3.4 A single work assembled using elements from more than one medium like images, sounds, videos, text etc.

D. Octal

3.5 Translates source code into equivalent machine code. 


3.6 It is used for various purposes like e-mail, e-commerce, e-governance, education, social networking etc.

F. Multimedia

3.7 Any extra device added to the computer. 

G. Operating System

3.8 Large scale collection of documents located worldwide. 

H. Peripheral

3.9 It is a type of network topology. 

I. Internet

3.10 The process of storing a page on web server. 

J. Star


L. Decimal

M. Uploading

3.1 A number system with base 8. 

D. Octal

3.2 Layer of software embedded on bare hardware to enhance the computing capability of bare machine.

G. Operating System

3.3 Text based strings corresponding to numeric IP address. 

B. Domain Name

3.4 A single work assembled using elements from more than one medium like images, sounds, videos, text etc.

F. Multimedia

3.5 Translates source code into equivalent machine code. 

C. Compiler

3.6 It is used for various purposes like e-mail, e-commerce, e-governance, education, social networking etc.

I. Internet

3.7 Any extra device added to the computer. 

H. Peripheral

3.8 Large scale collection of documents located worldwide. 


3.9 It is a type of network topology. 

J. Star

3.10 The process of storing a page on web server. 

M. Uploading

4. Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Choose the most appropriate option, the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

A. Ariel 

B. Printer 

C. Animation

D. Data Warehouse 

E. Data mining 

F. Assembler

G. 1000 

H. Hard Disk Drive 


J. Cables 

K. 1024 

L. Android


4.1 1 KB equals ___G. 1000 _____ bytes.

4.2 __Printer______ is both an Input-Output device.

4.3 ____L. Android____ is an operating system for mobile devices based on the Linux kernel and Java.

4.4 ____M. RAM____ is a primary memory.

4.5 ____A. Ariel____ is the name of a font.

4.6 A big store house of data used for predicting futuristic trends based on the data stored is known as __D. Data Warehouse______.

4.7 __I. LAN______ allows sharing and communication of small networks.

4.8 Rapid display of sequence of images to create illusion of movement is known as __C. Animation______.

4.9 Program to translate assembly language to machine language is known as __F. Assembler______.

4.10 __J. Cables______ is a medium of communication for networking of computers.


/(Answer any FOUR questions)

5.a) Convert (147)10 to binary number.

b) Give block diagram of a computer and explain 


c) Explain basic functions of a operating system.



a) Explain macros in MS Word.

b) Explain high level language and low level 

language with examples.

c) Write short note on system software and 

application software.



A) Explain in detail the diverse application of 

Internet technology in various domains.

b) Give the process of creation of hyperlinks to link to a different slide in different presentation power point.

c) Explain how slide transition is used in ppt.



Write notes on:

a) Classification of memory.

b) CPU components.

c) Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter.



a) Create an excel sheet, fill in the numbers A1 to A10 cell, write formula to sum the above numbers in A11 and to average the sum in A12.

b) Explain security aspects associated with 

transfer of information via internet.

c) Explain the terms resolution, aspect ratio and 

refresh rate.

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